How to get YouTube subscribers

How to Get YouTube Subscribers: 100% Working Methods

Exactly how to get more subscribers on YouTube: 

YouTube is a great way to market yourself and your business. You can create videos about almost anything, from how-tos to reviews or even tutorials on products you’re selling.

But getting subscribers has never been easy (I mean, doesn’t it seem like everyone else gets thousands of views these days?)

Thankfully today, I’m going to show some 100% working methods for getting more YouTube subscribers that are guaranteed to deliver the results you need!

Let’s get started. 

Why you need more subscribers on YouTube

One metric used to determine its success is the number of YouTube channel subscribers. A channel with more subscribers is generally considered more successful than a channel with fewer subscribers. This is because the number of subscribers indicates how many people are interested in the channel’s content.

  1. More people will see your content.
  2. You’ll get more feedback and engagement on your videos.
  3. You can make money from YouTube through ads and sponsorships (if you have enough subscribers).
  4. You’ll build a stronger connection with your audience.
  5. You can use YouTube to promote other things you’re involved in, like your website or blog.
  6. You’ll be able to measure your videos’ success better (by looking at the number of views, comments, and shares).


  1. If you have a cooking channel, more subscribers mean more people will see your recipes and cooking tips.
  2.  If you’re a musician, more subscribers mean more people will see your music videos and performances.
  3. If you’re a vlogger, more subscribers mean more people will see your daily life and experiences.

Why do you need to get 1,000 YouTube subscribers fast?

YouTube requires you to reach a minimum of 1,000 subs within its requirements to get your channel monetized so that you can start making money.

Having subscribers has its benefits.

Having a large number of subscribers has a lot of benefits. It can help you get more views on your videos, leading to more monetization opportunities. Additionally, it can help you build up a community around your channel, which can be extremely valuable if you want to create long-term success on YouTube.

Should you buy YouTube subscribers to get 1,000 subs faster?

Our recommendation is no, you shouldn’t buy YouTube subscribers, but we will list the pros and cons of purchasing YouTube subscribers and let you decide.

Why you shouldn’t buy YouTube subscribers online

  1. Buying YouTube subscribers is against YouTube’s Terms of Service.
  2. Buying YouTube subscribers can get your channel banned or suspended.
  3. Buying YouTube subscribers is a waste of money.
  4. Buying YouTube subscribers will not help you grow your channel organically.

Pros of buying subscribers:

  1. You can get more subscribers quickly.
  2. It can help you jump-start your channel.
  3. You may get more views and engagement on your videos.

Cons of purchasing subscribers:

  1. The subscribers may be fake or inactive, hurting your channel’s reputation.
  2. You could be violating YouTube’s terms of service by buying subscribers. This could lead to your channel being banned or suspended.


  1. You could get your channel banned or suspended from YouTube if you are caught buying subscribers.
  2. Your channel will not grow organically(on its own) if you buy subscribers, so you will have difficulty building an authentic audience and getting more views and engagement on your videos over time.

How to get more subscribers on YouTube for growth

There are several things that YouTubers can do to get more subscribers.

Some common strategies include creating engaging and exciting content, promoting their channel on social media, and collaborating with other YouTubers.

The number of subscribers a YouTube channel has is a measure of its success. A high subscriber count indicates that a channel is popular and has a large audience.

This can benefit both the channel owner and the viewers, as it can lead to more opportunities and exposure and more exciting and helpful content for the latter.

There are many ways to increase the number of subscribers on a YouTube channel.

Some methods include creating compelling content, promoting the channel through social media and other online platforms, and using effective keywords and tags.

Additionally, it is essential to make sure that the channel’s subscribe button is prominently displayed so that viewers can easily find it and subscribe.

1. You need to boost your YouTube strategy for your channel

To get more subscribers on YouTube, you need to create great content that your audience will want to watch. Think about what kinds of videos they would like to see and make sure to produce high-quality videos that are entertaining and informative.

2. Optimize Your videos and SEO for YouTube

SEO is optimizing a website for Google search or YouTube to earn higher web traffic levels and improve the site’s visibility. 

You need to optimize your videos for search engines to get more views and subscribers. This means using keywords and phrases in your title and description so that people can easily find your videos when searching for something specific.

How to optimize your SEO for YouTube videos:

  1. Do your research. Keyword research is essential for on-page optimization. Chances are you naturally include keywords without realizing it simply by providing valuable content on a topic. However, there are various tools and techniques for finding related keywords relevant to your blog post that you may not have considered. The Google Adwords Keyword Tool and offer excellent tools that allow you to find keywords related to your topic and even spy on your competition to see what words and phrases they are targeting to bring traffic to their sites.
  2. Utilize keywords throughout your post. Once you have targeted a couple of valuable, relevant keywords, it is essential to place them where they will have the most impact on humans and search engine crawlers indexing your content.

How to optimize YouTube videos:

You can do several things to optimize your videos for YouTube SEO. Here are some tips:

  1. Use keywords in your video title and description.
  2. Use tags to describe your video content.
  3. Optimize your thumbnail image.
  4. Create transcripts of your videos.
  5. Provide value in your videos.
  6. Promote your videos on social media and other channels

3. Invest in YouTube SEO if you don’t know how

YouTube SEO is optimizing your videos to rank higher in YouTube’s search results.

4. Optimize your videos for watch time

Watch time is the total time your viewers have spent watching your videos. The longer someone watches your video, the more engaged they are with your content.

How to optimize for watch time:

There are a few things you can do to optimize your videos for watch time:

  1. Make sure your videos are high quality and offer valuable information or entertainment.
  2. Write engaging descriptions and use keywords that help people find your videos.
  3. Create custom thumbnails that grab attention and make people want to click on your video.
  4. Use annotations and end screens to keep people watching until the end of your video.

5. Engage with your audience:

Make sure to interact with your viewers by responding to comments and questions. This will help build a community around your channel and keep people coming back for more.

6. Promote your videos:

Finally, don’t forget to promote your videos on social media and other websites. This will help increase traffic to your channel and get more eyes on your content.

7. You want to increase your video views to get a higher chance of viewers subscribing.

Views are essential because they are one of the main ways that YouTube determines whether or not a video is popular. The more views a video has, the more likely it is to be seen by people searching for videos on YouTube.

How to get more views on YouTube:

There are several things you can do to increase the number of views your videos get:

  1. Use keywords in your title and description so that people can find your video when searching for related topics.
  2. Share your videos on social media and other websites to get people to watch them.
  3. Make sure your videos are high quality and enticing so that people will want to watch them all through.
  4. Use annotations and other features to make your videos more engaging and interactive.
  5. Promote your channel on other websites and offline locations (such as flyers or business cards).

8. Ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel.

The best time to ask your viewers to subscribe is at the beginning of your video or the end. This way, they won’t forget to subscribe after watching your video.

How to ask:

There are a few ways you can ask your viewers to subscribe. You can say it directly or show it on screen with an annotation or card.

One way is to say at the end of your video, for example, “If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to my channel.”

Another way is to include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your video. A CTA is an image or text that tells the viewer what action you want them to take, such as subscribing to your channel. You can create a CTA using YouTube’s Annotations tool.

If you say it directly, make sure you do it in a friendly and casual way. For example, you could say, “Hey everyone, if you liked this video, make sure to hit that subscribe button, so you don’t miss any future videos.”

If you choose to show it on screen, there are a few different ways you can do this. You can use an annotation or a card.

Annotations are small pop-up boxes that appear on the screen while your video is playing. They’re usually used for links or calls to action (like asking people to subscribe). To add an annotation, go to your Video Manager and click “Edit” next to the video you want to add it. Then click “Annotations” and select “Add Annotation.”

Cards are similar to annotations but can include images and appear on both desktop and mobile. To add a card, go to your Video Manager and click “Edit” next to the video you want to add. Then click “Cards” and select “Add Card.”

What to say:

When asking your viewers to subscribe, you want to ensure you give them a good reason to do so.

For example, you could say something like, “If you subscribe, you’ll be the first to know when I upload new videos.” or “Subscribe for weekly tips on how to improve your [insert skill here].”

This will help convince them that it’s worth subscribing to your channel.

9. End your video by showing what you’re working on next for your next video

When you end your video by teasing what you’re working on next, it helps to keep your viewers engaged and wanting more. It also helps to build up anticipation for your next video, which can help to increase its view count.

How to do it:

End your video with a cliffhanger or by asking a question that will be answered in your next video. You can also try ending with a call-to-action, such as telling viewers to subscribe to your channel, so they don’t miss your next video.

10. Interact with your audience to make friends and build yourself a community.

A community is a group of people with shared interests and beliefs who interact with each other. Communities can be online or offline, and they can be small or large.

Building a community is essential because it:

-Helps you connect with like-minded people

-Gives you a sense of belonging

-Allows you to share your interests and passions with others

-Enables you to learn new things from others in the community

-Provides support and motivation

11. Create effective YouTube channel branding

Your channel icon is the little profile picture in the top left corner of your YouTube channel. This is how people will recognize you, so choose an image that represents you and your brand well.

Your channel art: Your channel art is the big banner at the top of your YouTube channel. This is your chance to show off your brand, so choose an image that represents you well.

Your channel description: Your channel description is the little blurb underneath your channel icon and above your video list on your YouTube channel. This is where you can give people a brief overview of your brand, so include some keywords that describe you well.

12. Create and add a custom channel trailer for new visitors that return, and that will engage your audience.

A channel trailer is a short video that introduces your channel to new viewers.

It’s like a commercial for your channel, it can be up to 30 seconds long, and it should give viewers an idea of what they can expect to find when they subscribe. 

It should give viewers an idea of what your channel is all about and be engaging enough to encourage them to subscribe.

Your channel trailer will appear on your channel page and as a suggested video on YouTube. New viewers will see your channel trailer when they visit your page or watch one of your videos.

A channel trailer is a short video that introduces your channel to new viewers. It should be around 30 seconds long and give viewers a taste of your channel.

How to make a channel trailer:

You’ll need to consider a few things when making your channel trailer.

First, you’ll need to decide what tone you want to set for your channel.

Do you want it to be fun and light-hearted? Serious and informative?

Once you’ve decided on the style, you’ll need to come up with ideas for what kind of content you want to include in the trailer.

Will you show clips from your most popular videos?

Give a sneak preview of upcoming content. Introduce viewers to the personalities behind the camera.

Once you have a good idea of what you want your trailer to look like, it’s time to start filming!

Plenty of online tutorials will help walk you through the process if you’re unsure where to start. And if filming isn’t your thing, plenty of excellent editing software programs can help turn your vision into reality.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to make a trailer will vary depending on the content you produce.

However, there are a few tips that will help you create a compelling trailer for your channel:

  1. Keep it short and sweet: Remember, you only have 30 seconds to make an impression, so make sure your trailer is concise and to the point. You’re just trying to give viewers a taste of what they can expect from your channel. There’s no need to include everything in your trailer; just hit the highlights.

  2. Hook them with your first few seconds: Start with something attention-grabbing that will make viewers want to stick around for more. You only have a limited time to grab viewers’ attention, so make sure your opening is vital. Start with something that will pique their interest and make them want to see more.
  3. Use engaging visuals and show off your best stuff: Choose clips that showcase the best of what your channel has to offer. A well-edited video with engaging visuals is more likely to hold viewers’ attention than simply talking heads or text on the screen.
  4. Tell them what to expect: Tell viewers what they can expect from subscribing to your channel.
  5. Include a call-to-action: End with a strong call-to-action telling viewers how they can subscribe to your channel.
  6. Make sure your audio is clear: Nothing will turn off viewers faster than lousy audio, so make sure your trailer sounds good. This means investing in a good microphone and recording in a quiet environment.
  7. Introduce yourself and your channel: Viewers should know who you are and what your channel is about by the trailer’s end. Be sure to include this information somewhere in the video.

Use the YouTube Video Editor:

You can use the YouTube Video Editor to create a channel trailer from scratch or one of the templates provided by YouTube.

Upload an existing video:

You can also upload an existing video from your computer or mobile device. This video can be up to 10 minutes long, but we recommend keeping it under 2 minutes for the best results.


Here are a few examples of effective trailers for YouTube channels:

The Game Theorists: This trailer introduces the channel’s concept (analyzing video games from a scientific perspective) and hooks viewers with its opening line, “What if I told you everything you know is wrong?”

JustKiddingNews: This channel produces satirical news videos. Its trailer does a great job of setting that tone while also giving viewers an idea of what they can expect from the videos.

Clevver Movies: This channel’s trailer gives viewers an overview of the types of movie-related content they can expect, from celebrity interviews to reviews to red carpet coverage.

13. Brand your video thumbnails for YouTube

Your brand colors are the colors that you use to represent your brand. When you use your brand colors in your video thumbnails, it helps people to recognize your videos more easily.

Include your logo:

When you include your logo in your video thumbnail, it helps to build trust with potential viewers. People will know that they are watching a video from a credible source.

Make the title clear:

The title of your video should be clear and concise so that people know what the video is about before they even click on it.

14. Utilize YouTube’s clickable subscription tools in your videos

In your video, click the “Subscribe” button in the top right corner.

Where to add:

You can also add a subscribe button to your channel page. To do this, go to your channel page and click the “About” tab. Then, under “Subscribers,” click the “Add subscribe button.”

15. Create keyword-rich playlists for more view time

A playlist is simply a collection of videos. You can create playlists around any topic or theme; they’re a great way to keep your viewers engaged. Plus, they make it easy for people to find more of your content if they like what they see.

Playlists are a great way to organize your videos on YouTube. You can use them to group related videos or keep a collection of your favorite videos in one place. You can even share playlists with other YouTube users.

Power playlists are simply YouTube’s way of organizing and categorizing your content so that viewers can easily find and watch your videos. They’re a great way to keep your channel organized and help viewers find the content they’re looking for.

How to use playlists

To create a power playlist, go to your YouTube account and click on the “Create” button. From there, select “Playlist.” Then, give your playlist a name and description. You can also choose whether you want it to be public or private. Once you’ve created your playlist, you can add videos by clicking on the “Add video” button.

Playlists are a great way to organize your content and keep people engaged.

Once you’ve created a playlist, you can watch it by clicking on the “Playlist” tab on your channel page.

You can also share it by copying and pasting the link or embedding it on your website or blog.

Here are a few tips for using them effectively:

  1. Create playlists around specific topics or themes. This will help people find the content they’re looking for more easily.
  2. Use descriptive titles and keywords so that people can easily find your playlists.
  3. Keep your playlists updated with fresh content regularly. This will keep people coming back for more!


There are several benefits of using power playlists. First, they help keep your channel organized so viewers can easily find the content they’re looking for. Second, they make it easy for viewers to watch multiple videos from your channel without having to search for them individually. Finally, power playlists can increase the time people spend watching your videos since they’ll be able to watch multiple videos in one sitting.

Why create playlists?

There are several reasons why you might want to create playlists on YouTube. First, they help you keep your videos organized in an easily accessible way. Second,

Playlists make it easy for viewers to watch multiple videos in succession without having to search for them individually. Finally, playlists can be used as a marketing tool-

if you create a playlist of videos related to a specific topic, it will be easier for viewers to find all your videos in one place.

How to create playlists:

Creating a playlist on YouTube is easy! Simply click the “Add to” button next to any video you want to add to a playlist. Then, select “Create new playlist” from the drop-down menu. Give your playlist a name and description, then click “Create.”

Method 2

To create a playlist on YouTube, first sign in to your account. Then, click on the “My Channel” tab and select “Video Manager.” Under the “Playlists” section, click

“+New Playlist.” Give your playlist a title and description, then click “Create.” To add videos to your playlist, simply drag and drop them into the list or click

the “+Add Videos” button. You can also add videos from other channels by clicking the “+Add From Channel” button.

16. There are a few things to keep in mind when designing your channel page:

  1. Use a simple design: You don’t want your channel page cluttered or confusing. Stick to a simple layout with straightforward navigation.
  2. Feature your best content prominently: Make sure your most popular videos and playlists are easy to find on your channel page. You can use the Featured section to highlight specific videos or playlists.
  3. Use engaging visuals: Use high-quality images and thumbnails that accurately represent your video content. This will help people quickly understand what your videos are about and decide whether they’re interested in watching them.
  4. Optimize your keywords and descriptions: Use keywords and descriptions that accurately reflect the topic of your videos. This will help people find your content more easily through search engines like YouTube and Google. Describing Your Videos For each video you upload, you can add a title, description, tags, and other metadata.

17. Showcase your content strategically on your channel page to funnel viewers

Your channel page is the first thing people see when they visit your YouTube channel, so it’s essential to make a good impression. You want to showcase your best content and make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

18. Host a giveaway or run a contest within your community of viewers

There are a few things you need to do to run a successful contest:

  1. Set up the rules and eligibility requirements.
  2. Choose a prize that will appeal to your target audience.
  3. Set up the giveaway on a Gleam or Rafflecopter.
  4. Promote your contest through social media, other channels, and your email newsletter.
  5. Keep track of entries and choose a winner (or winners).
  6. Follow up with the winner (or winners) and promote your contest results.

How to host a giveaway:

If you’re interested in hosting a giveaway, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. First, decide what prize you want to give away. It should be something that would be appealing to your target audience. Next, create rules and eligibility requirements for your giveaway. And finally, promote your giveaway on social media and other channels so that people will know about it.

What type of contest to run:

You can run many contests, but some are more effective than others at getting people to subscribe to your channel. Here are a few ideas:

  1. A “subscribe to win” contest where people have to subscribe to your channel to be eligible to win the prize.
  2. A “like and comment” contest where people have to like one of your videos and leave a comment to be entered into the drawing for the prize.

Examples of successful contests:

Below are three examples of YouTube contests that were successfully executed and resulted in an increase in subscribers for the channels involved:

  1. The YouTuber PewDiePie ran a “subscribe or I delete my channel” contest where people had to subscribe to his channel to prevent him from deleting it. This resulted in an increase of over 4 million subscribers in just one week.
  2. The YouTuber Smosh ran a “like and commented” contest where people had to like one of their videos and leave a comment on it to be entered into the drawing for the prize. This increased over 100,000 likes and comments on their videos.
  3. The YouTuber Jenna Marbles ran a “subscribe to win” contest where people had to subscribe to her channel to be eligible to win the prize. This resulted in an increase of over 1 million subscribers in just one week.

What to give away:

  1. A famous prize for YouTube giveaways is a free year of YouTube Premium or a Google Nest Mini.
  2. You could also give away merchandise related to your channel or branded items with your logo.
  3. You could also give away a free copy if you have an online course or ebook.

19. Finding giveaways to get involved

There are a few ways that you can find giveaways. You can search for them on Google or YouTube or follow some bloggers and vloggers who regularly host giveaways.

How to enter giveaways:

When you find a giveaway that you want to enter, make sure to read the rules carefully. Some giveaways require you to subscribe to the channel or follow the blog, while others may require you to share the giveaway on social media. Once you’ve followed all the steps necessary, simply fill out the entry form and submit it.

20. Have an upload schedule to follow

An upload schedule is essential because it helps keep your channel consistent and lets your audience know when to expect new content.

Consistency is critical when it comes to YouTube success.

Your subscribers want to know when they can expect new content from you, and if you’re constantly changing your upload schedule, they will get frustrated.

21. What day and time to upload are essential:

The day and time you choose to upload your videos depends on your audience. If most of your viewers are from the same time zone, try to upload when they are likely to be online. You can also experiment with different days and times to see what works best for your channel.

22. How often to upload YouTube videos:

How often you upload new videos depends on how much content you have and how frequently you want to release it. There’s no magic number regarding how often you should release videos. If you are just starting, you may want to upload once a week or every other week. As you create more content, you can increase the frequency of your uploads. The important thing is that you’re consistent with your uploads.

23. Publish your YouTube content on social media when you upload a video

There is no magic number regarding how often you should post your YouTube content on social media. However, a good rule of thumb is to post each new video at least once on each platform and then repost older videos every few weeks.

Which social media platforms to use:

The best social media platforms for promoting your YouTube channel are typically the ones where you already have the most followers. That said, don’t be afraid to experiment with other platforms. You never know where your next subscriber might come from!

What type of content to post:

When promoting your YouTube channel on social media, the sky’s the limit! You can post everything from behind-the-scenes footage and bloopers to sneak peeks of upcoming videos. Just be sure that whatever you’re posting is engaging and will interest your followers.

24. Entice your audience over from other social media channels to your videos

You should use social media to promote your YouTube channel and videos. The platforms you use will depend on where your target audience is most active. You should post regularly, but not so much that you become annoying.

What platforms to use: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms for promoting YouTube videos. However, many other options are available, such as Snapchat and Tumblr. You should choose the platform(s) that best fit your brand and where your target audience is most active.

How often to post: How often you post on social media will depend on the platform(s) you use and how active your target audience is. Generally speaking, you should post 1-2 times per day on each platform.

There are a few ways to find your target audience on other social media channels. The first is to look at your social media channels and see which ones have the most engagement. For example, if you have a Facebook page with a lot of likes and comments, then chances are that your target audience is on Facebook.

Another way to find your target audience on other social media channels is to use demographic information from platforms like Google Analytics. This can help you narrow down the most popular channels with your target demographic.

Once you’ve identified which social media channels your target audience is on, the next step is to make the switch. This means creating content specific to each platform and tailored to the interests of your target audience. For example, if you’re targeting millennials on Snapchat, you’ll want to create content that appeals to their interests and lifestyle.

25. Promote your videos on other platforms:

Social media

Many social media platforms are available today, and it can be challenging to know which ones are right for your business. Here are some of the most popular platforms and some tips on how to use them effectively:


Facebook is an excellent platform for sharing news, articles, and other content. You can also use Facebook ads to reach a wider audience.


Twitter is an excellent platform for sharing short updates and engaging with customers and followers. You can also use Twitter ads to reach a wider audience.


Instagram is an excellent platform for sharing photos and videos. You can also use Instagram ads to reach a wider audience.


Pinterest is an excellent platform for sharing images and videos. You can also use Pinterest ads to reach a wider audience.



and more!

26. Perform extensive keyword research for titles, descriptions, and hashtags

Several keyword research tools are available online, such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner and VidIQ. These tools can help you to identify which keywords are most popular with viewers in your target market.

27. Choose the right keywords:

When choosing keywords, it’s essential to strike a balance between popular keywords that are too competitive and obscure keywords that nobody is searching for. Try to find a happy medium, and use keyword research tools to see how many people are searching for each term.

28. Find popular keywords on YouTube to rank for

  1. Go to the YouTube Keyword Tool.
  2. Enter your keyword into the “Search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category” field.
  3. Select the “Exact” match type.
  4. Click “Search.”
  5. Review the results and find popular keywords that you can use to get more subscribers on YouTube.

29. Use Google AdWords Keyword Planner and VidIQ:

  1. Go to Google AdWords Keyword Planner.
  2. Enter your keyword into the “Your product or service” field.
  3. Select your country and language.
  4. Click “Get ideas.”

30. Optimize your YouTube videos title with keywords

Your title is the first thing people see when they find your video in a search, so make sure it’s clear and concise. This will let people know what your video is about and help them decide whether to watch it.

How to optimize:

  1. Use descriptive and keyword-rich titles
  2. Use tags
  3. Optimize your thumbnail image
  4. Create transcripts of your videos

  5. Provide content upgrades

There are a few ways to find keywords that you can use in your video titles. The first way is to simply think about what people might be searching for when looking for videos like yours. If you’re making a cooking video, for example, some keywords could be “cooking,” “recipe,” or “how to cook [dish].”

Another way to find keywords is by using YouTube’s auto-suggest feature. Start typing in a word or phrase related to your video and see what suggestions YouTube gives you. These are all potential keywords that you can use in your title.

You can also use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool to find popular keywords that people are searching for on Google. Just enter a few seed keywords related to your video, and the device will give you a list of related keywords with monthly search volume data.

Once you have a list of potential keywords, it’s time to start incorporating them into your video titles.

31. Also, include keywords in descriptions and hashtags:

Include your chosen keywords in your video title, description, and tags. This will help YouTube’s algorithm understand your video and make it more likely to appear in search results for those terms.

32. Optimize your YouTube channel with keywords


To get more views and to be found more easily.

33. Use video tags

Video tags are one of the most important ranking factors for YouTube videos. They help YouTube understand your video and determine whether or not it is relevant to a searcher’s query.

How to optimize video tags:

There are a few things you can do to optimize your video tags:

  1. Use your target keyword in your tags
  2. Use related keywords in your tags
  3. Use long-tail keywords in your tags
  4. Use a mix of broad and specific keywords in your tags

34. Consistently collaborate with other YouTubers and streamers in your niche

The best way to find collaborators is to search for YouTubers who produce content similar to yours, look at other channels in your niche, and attend events or meetups related to your topic. Once you’ve found a few potential collaborators, look at their videos and see if they would be a good fit for your channel. Look for people with a similar audience to you and who produce content that would complement your own.

If you don’t know anyone who creates YouTube videos, you can also try searching for creators who produce content similar to what you make. Once you’ve found a few potential collaborators, introduce yourself.

What to look for in a collaborator:

When looking for a collaborator, finding someone who produces high-quality content and who you think would be a good fit for your channel is essential. It’s also crucial to ensure that the person you’re collaborating with is someone you can trust. You should also ensure that the person you choose will be an asset to your channel and has a good reputation among other YouTubers.

For example, if you make cooking videos, it would make sense to collaborate with someone who makes videos about food or kitchen appliances. It’s also vital that your collaborator has a similar audience size as you do. This will help ensure that both of you get something out of the collaboration.

How to approach a potential collaborator:

Once you’ve found someone you’d like to collaborate with, the next step is contacting them. The best way to do this is by sending them an email or message through YouTube.

35. Find your niche online.

A niche is a particular market segment that you can identify and target. When it comes to YouTube, your niche is the type of content that you produce. There are many types of content on YouTube, from vlogs and how-to videos to gaming and comedy sketches. Finding the right niche for your channel to stand out from the crowd and attract viewers interested in what you have to say or show is crucial.

How to find your niche:

There are a few ways that you can go about finding your niche on YouTube. One way is to look at the types of videos that you enjoy watching yourself. What do you like to watch when you’re bored or need a laugh? If you’re unsure, take some time to browse through YouTube and see what kinds of videos pop out. Another way to find your niche is to think about what kind of content would be unique or exciting coming from YOU. What do you have to offer that other people don’t? Once you’ve brainstormed some ideas, try making a few videos in different genres to see what feels natural for you and what gets the best response from viewers.

Why finding your niche is essential:

Finding your niche is important because it allows you to focus your content and appeal to a specific audience. A clear niche makes producing exciting and engaging content for your viewers easier. Additionally, having a niche helps you build up a loyal following of viewers who are likelier to watch your videos and subscribe to your channel.

36. Write a compelling “About” section for your viewers

Your “About” section should give viewers a snapshot of who you are and your channel. You can include your mission statement, what kind of content you produce, and what sets you apart from other media in your niche.

How to stand out:

Ensure your “About” section is engaging, informative, and unique. Use language that reflects your brand personality, and don’t be afraid to show some personality in your writing. Be sure to proofread for grammar and spelling errors before publishing!

37. Promote your YouTube channel on your website

You can add a YouTube widget to your website to promote your channel and encourage visitors to subscribe. To do this, simply go to YouTube’s embedding site and copy the code for the widget you want to add. Then, paste the code into your website’s HTML code.

Add a link to your channel in your email signature: A link to your track in your email signature is a great way to promote your channel and get more subscribers. To do this, simply go to YouTube’s email signature page and copy the code for the signature you want to use. Then, paste the code into your email signature.

Add a YouTube banner to your website: You can also add a YouTube banner to your website to promote your channel. To do this, go to YouTube’s banner page and choose the banner you want. Then, download the image and upload it onto your website.

38. Embed your videos in blog posts

  1. Find the video you want to embed on YouTube and click the Share button.
  2. In the Share options, click on the Embed tab.
  3. Copy the code provided in the Embed tab.
  4. Paste the code into your blog post where you want the video to appear.
  5. Save your blog post and preview it to ensure the video appears correctly.

Why this works:

Embedding a YouTube video in your blog post will help you get more views on your YouTube channel because people who watch your embedded video will be able to see your channel name and subscribe if they like what they see. Additionally, when you embed a video in a blog post, it helps improve your SEO because search engines can index both your blog content and your video content, leading to more traffic for your blog and your YouTube channel.

39. Add a subscriber watermark CTA to your videos to gain more subs quickly

  1. Go to your YouTube channels in the Video Programming tab.
  2.  Select the “Add watermark” option.
  3. Choose the image or text you want to use as your watermark.
  4. Position your watermark on the video.
  5. Save changes.

Why it works: Adding a watermark to your videos is a great way to encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel. Watermarks help promote your channel by making it easy for viewers to see and click on your subscribe button.

How to watermark:

There are a few different ways that you can watermark your videos. One popular method is to use an annotation in YouTube’s Video Manager. To do this, go to the “Edit” tab for the video to which you want to add a watermark and click on the “Annotations” button. From here, you can add an image overlay with your watermark that will appear throughout the video.

40. Use a brand watermark on your videos.

A brand watermark is a small logo or image you can overlay on your videos. This is a great way to promote your brand and get more subscribers on YouTube.

How to create a personal brand watermark:

There are many ways to create a brand watermark. You can use Photoshop, GIMP, or any other image editing software. You can also use online tools like Canva.

Once you have created your brand watermark, you need to add it to your videos. To do this, open the video in an editing program like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro. Then, go to the “Effects” panel and search for “Image Overlay” or “Picture in Picture.” Add this effect to your video and select your brand watermark as the image.

41. Reply to the comments.

You must reply to comments on your YouTube videos for several reasons. First, it shows that you are active and engaged with your audience. Second, it allows you to build a relationship with your viewers. Third, it can help promote your video and get more views.

How to reply back to comments for more engagement:

Here are some tips on how to reply to comments on your YouTube videos:

  1. Thank the person for their comment, and let them know you appreciate their feedback.
  2. Ask questions to encourage further discussion.
  3. Share additional information or resources that may be helpful.
  4. Offer a personal story or example related to the video’s topic.

42. Publish long videos of around 10 minutes plus or minus

Long videos tend to be more engaging and provide more value to viewers than shorter videos. This is because they allow you to explore a topic in greater depth and provide more information to your audience. Additionally, long videos tend to rank better in search engines, which can help you attract even more viewers.

How to make long videos:

You can do a few things to ensure your long videos are engaging and informative. First, plan out your video before you start filming. This will help you stay on track and avoid rambling. Additionally, try to break up your video into sections with distinct topics so that viewers can easily follow along. Finally, edit your video carefully, so it flows smoothly and doesn’t feel too long.

Long videos are good because they give viewers more information and keep them engaged for longer.

What to include in long videos:

When making a long video, you should include a variety of information that will keep the viewer interested. This can include behind-the-scenes footage, interviews, tips, tricks, etc.

43. It’s essential to track your YouTube analytics.

The first step is to check your analytics. You can find this by going to your channel and clicking on the tab “YouTube Analytics.” Here, you can see how many views, subscribers, and comments your videos get. You can also see which videos are performing the best and which ones could use some improvement.

Finding the right metric:

Not all metrics are created equal. You want to focus on engagement and reach when it comes to YouTube. Engagement includes things like likes, dislikes, comments, and shares. Reach is how many people are seeing your videos.

Interpreting the data:

Once you understand your analytics well, you can start analyzing the data. This will help you determine what is working well and needs improvement. It will also give you some insights into how you can get more subscribers on YouTube.

44. Use Engaging YouTube Thumbnails for your videos.

A thumbnail is a small image that represents a larger image, usually used to help identify and locate the larger image.

Why use engaging thumbnails:

Thumbnails are an essential tool in YouTube marketing because they can help you increase your video views and subscribers.

How to make an attention-grabbing thumbnail:

You can create an engaging thumbnail by using bright colors, including text, and making sure the thumbnail is relevant to the video.

Thumbnails are one of the most critical aspects of your YouTube channel. They are the first thing people see when they come to your channel, and they can make or break whether someone decides to watch your video. That’s why it’s essential to create irresistible thumbnails that make people want to click on your videos.

You can do a few things to ensure your thumbnail stands out and grabs attention.

First, make sure the image is clear, high quality, eye-catching, and easy to see. You want people to be able to tell what the video is about at a glance.

Second, use bright colors and bold fonts to make the thumbnail stand out.

Third, use text in your thumbnail image to highlight what your video is about. This will help people understand what they’re going to watch before they even click on the video.

Fourth, consider using a call-to-action in your thumbnail to encourage people to click on your video. Something like “Watch Now!” can be very effective in getting people to watch your videos.

And finally, try to use an image that will pique people’s curiosity and make them want to learn more by watching the video.

You want something that will stand out among all the other YouTube thumbnails.

45. Create a channel tagline that stands out

A channel tagline is a brief, attention-grabbing phrase that describes what your channel is all about. Think of it as a mini elevator pitch for your YouTube channel. Your tagline should be short, sweet, and to the point –– otherwise, viewers will quickly lose interest.

Examples of channel taglines:

Here are a few examples of channel taglines that have been effective for other YouTubers:

  1. ” For everything makeup.”
  2. “Your daily dose of fashion.”
  3. “The best in beauty tips & tricks.”
  4. “Get fit with us!”
  5. “Your go-to source for travel tips & tricks.”
  6. “For the love of food.” –– Bon Appétit
  7. “A new video every day.” –– vlogbrothers
  8. “The pulse of what’s trending on YouTube.” –– BuzzFeedVideo

How to create a channel tagline:

Creating a catchy and effective channel tagline is easier said than done. But with some creativity and effort, you can develop something that accurately reflects your brand and resonates with your target audience. Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Keep it short and sweet: A good rule of thumb is to keep your tagline under ten words. The shorter, the better.
  2. Make it memorable: Your tagline should be catchy and easy to remember. Brainstorm a few different options and then narrow it down to the one that best represents your channel.
  3. Use keywords: Include keywords that describe what your channel is all about. Choose words that accurately describe your channel while also being SEO-friendly (i.e., using keywords people are likely to search for). This will help people find you when searching for topics related to your content.
  4. Be unique: There are millions of channels on YouTube, so make sure yours stands out from the rest! Think about what makes your channel unique and use that to inform your tagline.
  5. Test it out: Once you’ve come up with a few different options, test them on your target audience to see which one resonates the most. Ask friends, family, and other people in your target demographic for their feedback on your tagline choices.

46. Promote your videos on the end Screen for more views

An end screen is a YouTube feature that allows you to promote your other videos, channel, or website at the end of your video.

How to add an end screen:

To add an end screen, open the YouTube Video Editor and click on the “End Screen” tab. From there, you can choose from various templates or create your own.

Best practices:

When creating an end screen, be sure to include:

-A call to action (subscribe to your channel, watch another video, visit your website)

-An element that is visually appealing and catches the viewer’s attention

-Up to four videos or playlists that you want to promote

-Your channel logo

47. Create high-quality videos and content for your audience

A high-quality video is a video that is well-produced, engaging, and informative. It should hold the viewer’s attention from beginning to end.

Video quality is the overall look and feel of your video. It includes factors like resolution, color, noise, and sharpness.

The first step to creating better content is to have a plan. You need to know what kind of content you want to make, your target audience, and what you want to achieve with your content.

Once you have a plan, you can start creating better content by focusing on the following areas:


The production process is all about creating the actual content. This includes writing, filming, editing, and anything else that goes into making the final product. The key to producing better content is to focus on quality over quantity. It’s better to create fewer pieces of high-quality content than it is to churn out a lot of low-quality stuff.


After the production process is complete, it’s time for post-production. This is where you fine-tune your content and ensure it’s ready for distribution. During post-production, you should focus on editing, graphics, and adding finishing touches to improve your content.


Once your content is ready, it’s time to start distributing it. The best way to do this is through social media and other online channels. By sharing your content on these platforms, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience and get more people to see your work.

By following these steps, you can create better content to help you achieve your goals. Remember, the key is to focus on quality over quantity. If you can produce high-quality content, you’ll be well on your way to success.

How to make a high-quality video:

There are a few things you can do to make sure your videos are of high quality:

  1. Plan and storyboard your videos before you start filming. This will help you stay on track and keep your videos focused.
  2. Use good lighting and sound equipment. This will make your videos look and sound professional.
  3. Edit your videos carefully, removing unnecessary footage or filler content. This will help keep your videos tight and focused.
  4. Add graphics, music, and other visual elements to enhance your videos and make them more engaging for viewers.

How to improve video quality:

There are a few things you can do to improve the quality of your videos:

  1. Use a better camera. If you’re using your phone’s built-in camera, try upgrading to a more admirable phone or an external camera.
  2. Shoot in well-lit conditions. Natural light is always best, but if you can’t shoot during the day, try using lamps or overhead lights to brighten your space.
  3. Use a tripod. This will help keep your camera steady and prevent unwanted shaking from ruining your footage.
  4. Edit your videos properly. This means trimming any dead space, cutting out any mistakes, and adding transitions between scenes (if applicable).

What are the benefits of improving video quality:

There are several benefits of improving the quality of your videos:

  1. People are more likely to watch high-quality videos than low-quality ones;
  2. High-quality videos leave a better impression on viewers and make them more likely to subscribe to your channel;
  3. Improving your video quality shows that you’re serious about your content and are willing to invest in it, which can attract more viewers and subscribers.

48. Improve the production quality of your YouTube videos by taking courses also, use video editing to improve the quality of your YouTube videos

Video editing is manipulating and rearranging video shots to create a new work. Video editing is used to structure and present all types of videos, including films, television shows, commercials, music videos, news, and documentaries.

How to improve quality with video editing:

There are many ways to improve the quality of your YouTube videos using video editing. Some simple tips include:

-Choose the correct resolution: When recording your video, choose the proper resolution. The higher the resolution, the better the quality of your video will be.

-Edit out any mistakes: If you make any mistakes while recording your video, make sure to edit them out in post-production. This will help ensure that your final product is as high-quality as possible.

-Add transitions: Transitions can help give your video a more polished look and feel. Adding transitions between shots can help make your video flow smoothly and look more professional.

-Add graphics and titles: Adding pictures and titles can also help improve the overall quality of your YouTube video. Adding these elements can help make your video more visually appealing and engaging for viewers.

49. Promote your YouTube videos on various platforms

There are many ways to promote your YouTube videos. You can use social media, paid advertising, email marketing, and even word of mouth to get people to watch your videos.

The best way to promote your YouTube videos is to use a combination of all of these methods. That way, you can reach the widest audience possible and get the most views for your videos.

Here are some tips on how to promote your YouTube videos:

  1. Use social media: Share your videos on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Use hashtags and include a link to your video so people can easily find it.
  2. Paid advertising: You can use paid platforms like Google AdWords or Facebook Ads to promote your YouTube videos. This is a great way to reach people who are already interested in what you have to offer.
  3. Email marketing: Include a link to your latest video in your email signature or newsletter so people can watch it even if they don’t have time. You can also create a dedicated email campaign promoting one of your popular videos.
  4. Word of mouth: Tell your friends and family about your latest video and ask them to share it with their networks. This is a great way to get more views and increase your video’s popularity.

50. Always provide value to your viewers.

  1. Teach something new
  2. Share an experience or story
  3. Entertain your audience
  4. Offer a different perspective
  5. Help your viewers solve a problem

51. Use YouTube annotations and cards for views

Annotations and cards are two features that you can use to enhance your YouTube videos and encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel. Annotations are small, clickable boxes that you can add to your videos. They can include links to other websites and calls to action, such as “subscribe now.” Cards are similar to annotations, but they appear on the right side of the video player and can include images and text. You can use cards to promote other videos on your channel or even link viewers to external websites.

How to use annotations and cards:

To add annotations or cards to your videos, open the YouTube Video Editor and select the “Annotations” or “Cards” tab. Then, click on the video where you want to add an annotation or card and enter the desired text or link. You can also customize the appearance of your annotations and cards by selecting various colors and fonts.

Annotations are those little notes that you can place on your videos. You can use them for a variety of purposes, including:

To provide additional information about your video

To add links to other websites or videos

To encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel

To promote your other videos or playlists

52. Create and publish videos frequently to gain subscribers

Creating and publishing videos regularly is one of the best ways to get more subscribers on YouTube. When you publish new videos frequently, your existing subscribers are likelier to check them out and share them with friends. This helps you attract new viewers and grow your channel.

How often to publish new YouTube videos:

There’s no magic number regarding how often you should publish new videos. However, we recommend creating and publishing at least one video weekly to keep your audience engaged. If you can’t commit to that, try posting two or three videos per month. This gives your subscribers something to look forward to and allows you time to promote each video properly.

Good consistency:

It’s not just about how often you post videos but also how consistent you are with your uploads. Try to stick to a schedule so that your subscribers know when they can expect new content from you. If you can’t commit to weekly uploads, that’s OK – just be consistent with your post frequency.

High quality:

Of course, ensuring that each video is high quality and engaging is essential. It’s better to post fewer great videos than mediocre ones. Take the time to plan and produce each video so your viewers will enjoy watching it.

53. Create a YouTube trailer

A YouTube trailer is a short video that introduces your channel and its content to new viewers.

How to make a YouTube trailer:

  1. Start with a strong hook.
  2. Introduce your channel and what viewers can expect to find there.
  3. Use engaging visuals and music to keep viewers interested.
  4. Keep it short – around one minute is ideal.
  5. Include a call to action, telling viewers what they should do next (subscribe to your channel, watch more videos, etc.)

54. Design an exciting look for your channel and create a brand

The layout of your channel is essential to keep viewers engaged. Make sure your layout is clean and organized.

Color Scheme:

Choose a color scheme that is pleasing to the eye and easy to read.

Profile Picture:

Your profile picture should be professional and represent your brand.

Channel Banner:

Your channel banner should be high quality and represent your brand well.

55. Create sections and playlists on your home page

Sections are a way to group related channels on your YouTube channel. You can add sections for different topics, interests, or even just for fun. Playlists are a way to organize and share your videos with others. You can create playlists for various issues, interests, or even just for fun.

How to add them to your channel:

To add sections and playlists to your channel:

 Go to your channel’s page and click the About tab.

  1. Under “Channel settings,” click Edit.
  2. In the “Sections” section, click Add a section.
  3. Enter a title for the section and select the channels you want to include. Then click Save. To add a playlist, click Add playlist. Enter a title for the playlist and select the videos you want to include. Then click Save.

56. Forums and blog discussions

There are a few ways to find forums and blog discussions related to your niche or industry. Search Google for terms like “your niche + forum” or “your industry + discussion.” You can also try using social media sites like Twitter and LinkedIn to find relevant conversations.

How to participate:

Once you’ve found a few good forums or blog discussions, take some time to read through the posts and get a feel for the tone of the conversation. If it seems like a good fit, jump in and start participating! Remember to respect other people’s opinions, even if you disagree with them.

57. Link building

Link building is the process of creating inbound links to your YouTube channel. In other words, it’s getting other websites to link to your videos or channel.

How to do it:

There are several ways to build links, but some of the most effective include guest blogging, directory listings, and social media outreach.

Why it’s important:

Link building is essential because it helps improve your website’s search engine ranking. Inbound links signal to Google that your videos are popular and relevant, which can help you move up in the search results.

58. Influencer marketing

You can use a tool like BuzzSumo to find influencers in your industry.

How to contact them: Once you’ve found some potential influencers, reach out to them and introduce yourself.

What to offer them: When contacting an influencer, make sure you have something of value to provide them with. This could be a free product, a discount on your products or services, or exclusive content.

59. Do email marketing

Email marketing is sending marketing messages or advertisements to a group via email. This could involve sending a newsletter with links to your latest video or creating a dedicated email campaign around a particular video.

How to do it:

There are many ways to do email marketing, but some standard methods include using an email list, subscribing to a mailing list, or creating an email course.


Email marketing can effectively reach a large audience, build customer relationships, and increase sales.

Examples: Some examples of email marketing include newsletters, promotional emails, and transactional emails.

60. Other ways to promote your content and videos

There are several ways you can promote your videos on social media. The most obvious way is to share your video on your profile or business page. But you can also share your video on relevant groups, forums, or paid ads.

Paid advertising:

Finally, you could also consider paid advertising to promote your videos. This could involve running social media ads or even using Google AdWords to target people searching for keywords related to your video content.

61. Be efficient in turning long videos into multiple short videos

You’re more likely to get subscribers if you post more often. When people see that you’re constantly uploading new content, they’re more likely to subscribe, so they don’t miss any of your videos.

How to turn long videos into multiple short videos:

If you have a long video that you want to break up into various parts, consider turning it into a series of shorter videos. This way, people will have a reason to come back and watch the following video in the series. Plus, shorter videos are generally more engaging and accessible than longer ones.

62. Create evergreen YouTube videos. They are the gift that keeps on giving.

Evergreen videos are those that remain relevant and interesting over time. They don’t go out of style or become dated like many other videos.

How to make evergreen videos:

There are a few things you can do to make your videos more evergreen:

-Choose timeless topics that will remain relevant for years to come.

-Avoid using references that will date your videos, such as current events or pop culture references.

– focus on delivering valuable and exciting information rather than trying to be funny or entertaining.

63. Be sure to optimize your videos to increase YouTube subscribers quickly.

This is how to create an engaging headline for your YouTube videos

  1. Keep it short and sweet
  2. Use keywords that describe your video
  3. Be creative- try to stand out!
  4. Use numbers or lists
  5. Ask a question
  6. Use strong verbs
  7. Make it benefit-oriented

64. Spend time creating good YouTube descriptions

Your video’s description is one of the first things potential viewers will see when they come across your video, so it’s essential to make a good impression. A great way to do this is to include a lot of information in your description, including a detailed explanation of your video and any relevant keywords or links.


Including relevant keywords in your description will help potential viewers easily find your video. When choosing keywords, try to think like someone searching for your video – what terms would they use? Including a mix of broad and specific keywords will give you the best chance of being found.


If you have any other videos or channels you want to promote, include links to them in your description. You can also include links to websites or other online resources that viewers might find helpful or interesting.

65. Add tags to increase YouTube views quickly.

Tags are keywords that describe your video. They help YouTube understand what your video is about and also help it show up in relevant searches.

How to add tags:

You can add tags to your videos when you upload them or afterward in the “Info and Settings” tab for the video. To add tags when you upload a video:

  1. Click the Upload button at the top of YouTube.
  2. Select the video you’d like to upload.
  3. Enter some information about your video in the “Basic info” section. This includes the title, description, and tags.
  4. To add more than one tag at a time, separate each tag with a comma (for example, music, song, artist).

Best practices:

– Use popular keywords that describe your video

– Use a mix of singular and plural versions of keywords (for example, cat vs. cats)

– Use relevant keywords that aren’t too specific (for example, a broad keyword like “animals” instead of something too specific like “Siamese cats”)

66. Use YouTube cards to gain free subscribers.

YouTube cards are a new way to interact with your viewers on YouTube. They allow you to add extra video information, including links to other websites and calls to action.

How to use YouTube Cards:

You can add cards to videos that are at least 10 seconds long and have 100 or more views. Click the “Add card” button under the video player to add a card.

Benefits of using YouTube Cards:

There are many benefits of using cards, including:

  • They’re an easy way to add extra information to your videos.
  • They can help promote other websites or products.
  • They can increase engagement with your viewers.

67. Remember to engage your YouTube audience often.

Always respond to YouTube viewer comments for better retention

Responding to YouTube viewer comments is essential because it shows that you’re engaged with your audience. It also allows you to build a rapport with your viewers and create a community around your channel.

How to do it:

Click on the comment to respond to YouTube viewer comments and reply directly. You can also “like” or “dislike” statements, which can help moderate discussions.


Here are some examples of how you can respond to YouTube viewer comments:

Thank you for the kind words! I’m glad you enjoy my videos.

I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t like the video. Can you tell me what didn’t work for you?

That’s a great question! I’ll try to answer it in my next video.

68. Host a Q&A session every once in a while

-First, you must come up with a list of questions you want to ask your audience. These can be related to your YouTube channel, videos, or anything else you think would be interesting for them to know about you.

-Once you have your questions, decide on a format for the Q&A session. You can do it live on video or written, such as in a blog post or email newsletter.

-If you’re doing it live on video, promote the Q&A session in advance, so your audience knows when and where to tune in.

Questions to ask:

-What kind of content would they like to see more of?

-What are their thoughts on your recent videos?

-Do they have any suggestions for future videos?


-When moderating a Q&A session, it’s essential to keep things moving and avoid getting bogged down in one question or topic. If necessary, you can always come back to specific questions later on.

It’s also important to keep an eye out for inappropriate questions or comments and remove them from the conversation if necessary.

By hosting a Q&A session, you can engage with your audience, get to know them better, and gather valuable feedback that can help you improve your YouTube channel.

69. Ask viewers what they want to see.

You can ask your viewers what they want to see in a few ways. The most direct way is to ask them in a video or post simply. You can also poll your audience or hold a contest where viewers submit video ideas.

What to do with feedback:

Once you know what your audience wants, it’s time to start creating content they’ll love. Remember that you don’t have to please everyone – just focus on creating content your target audience will enjoy.

70. Consider running YouTube ads. 

  1. Choose your objective
  2. Set up your campaign
  3. Create your ad group
  4. Target your audience
  5. Choose your ad format and creative
  6. Set up your budget and schedule
  7. Review and submit your ad

71. Target the Google search results by using Google’s keyword planner or a tool with the YouTube API

You can target Google search results using keywords in your titles and descriptions. You can also use tags to target specific keywords.

Benefits and examples:

Targeting Google search results can help you get more views and subscribers. It can also help you rank higher in YouTube search results.

72. Engage with your YouTube community often.

The YouTube community is excellent for engaging with other content creators and learning more about the platform. There are a few ways to find communities on YouTube:

  1. Use the search bar: You can search on YouTube to find communities by searching for keywords related to your interests. For example, if you’re interested in beauty, you could search for “beauty community” or “makeup community.”
  2. Check out popular channels: Another way to find communities on YouTube is to check out popular channels in your niche and see if they have any community features or sections on their channel page.
  3. Use social media: Social media is a great way to connect with other content creators and find communities on YouTube. You can use hashtags on Twitter and Instagram to find people talking about YouTube or join Facebook groups dedicated to content creation.

How to participate:

Once you’ve found a few communities you’d like to join, it’s time to start participating! Here are a few tips for how to get involved in the YouTube community:

  1. Engage with other creators: One of the best ways to participate in the YouTube community is to engage with other creators. This can mean leaving comments on videos, responding to comments on your videos, or even just chatting with people in the comments section.
  2. Collaborate with other creators: Collaborating with other creators is a great way to get your name out there and grow your channel. You can collaborate by doing things like guest starring in each other’s videos or working together on a project.
  3. Share your knowledge: Another great way to participate in the YouTube community is to share your knowledge. You can create tutorials or “how-to” videos or write blog posts about topics you’re knowledgeable about.

73. Increase engagement with calls to action within your videos

A call to action (CTA) is a statement or question that encourages your viewers to take a specific action, such as subscribing to your channel.

Types of calls to action:

There are two main types of calls to action: those that encourage your viewers to take immediate action and those that enable them to take future action.

Immediate calls to action:

These CTAs encourage your viewers to take immediate action, such as subscribing to your channel or liking your video.

Future calls to action:

These CTAs encourage your viewers to take on future activities, such as checking out your website or following you on social media.

How To Use Calls To Action:

The best way to use CTAs is by incorporating them into your video content. For example, you can include a CTA at the end of your video asking viewers to subscribe to your channel. You can also include CTAs throughout your video, such as when you introduce yourself or when you’re about to show something exciting.

74. Try live streaming for more views.

Live streaming is a video broadcast that is transmitted live over the internet. It allows viewers to watch a live event as it happens, such as a concert or sporting event.

How to live stream on YouTube:

  1. Create a YouTube channel and verify your account.
  2. Download and install encoding software like OBS Studio or Wirecast.
  3. Connect your computer to the internet and open your encoding software.
  4. Configure your settings and start streaming!
  5. Promote your live stream on social media and other platforms

Some benefits of live streaming:

  1. It helps you build an audience and connect with viewers in real-time
  2. Live streams are more engaging than pre-recorded videos
  3. You can interact with viewers and answer their questions
  4. It’s a great way to build hype for upcoming events

75. Learn from the top YouTube channels within your niche

There are a few ways to identify the top channels in your niche. One way is to go to YouTube and search for your niche simply. For example, if you’re in the fitness niche, you would type “fitness” into the YouTube search bar.

Once you’ve done that, take a look at the results that come up. The channels appearing on the first page are generally considered the top channels in that particular niche.

Subscribe to them:

Once you’ve identified the top channels in your niche, it’s time to subscribe to them. This will allow you to stay up-to-date on their latest videos and ensure that you don’t miss anything important.

Watch and analyze their videos:

After subscribing to the top channels in your niche, start watching and analyzing their videos. Pay attention to their video quality, title, description, etc. Also, pay attention to how often they upload new videos and how long those videos are.

Try to apply what you learn: After watching and analyzing several videos from each of the top channels in your niche, try applying what you’ve learned from them. For example, if one of those top channels has particularly high-quality videos, try to improve the quality of your videos. If another channel uploads new videos on a very regular basis, try to do the same.

76. This is for intermediate and advanced YouTubers to follow:

Please use this information below if you are an intermediate to advanced YouTuber.

77. Translate your subtitles into multilingual languages to reach a broader audience

As the world becomes more and more connected, the need for content in multiple languages is increasing. This is especially true for online videos, which people from all over the globe can watch.

There are a few reasons why you might want to translate your subtitles:

  1. To reach a wider audience: If you want your videos to be seen by many people as possible, translating your subtitles is excellent.
  2. To improve engagement: Viewers are more likely to watch a video if they can understand it. Translating your subtitles makes engaging with your content easier for viewers from different language backgrounds.
  3. To improve SEO: YouTube uses subtitles and closed captions to help determine what a video is about and index it accordingly. By including subtitles in multiple languages, you can ensure that your videos are being seen by people searching for them.

How to translate subtitles:

If you’re looking to translate your subtitles into another language, there are a few different ways you can do it:

  1. Use an online translation tool like Google Translate or Bing Translator. These tools automatically generate translations of your subtitle text, though they may not always be accurate.
  2. Hire a professional translator. This is the best option if you want to ensure that your subtitles are accurate and easy to understand.
  3. Use a translation service like Gengo or One Hour Translation. These services will connect you with professional translators who can translate your subtitles quickly and accurately.

What languages to translate into:

When deciding what languages to translate your subtitles into, there are a few factors to consider:

  1. Your target audience speaks the languages: Translating your subtitles into the local language is excellent if you’re trying to reach viewers in a specific country or region.
  2. The popularity of the language: Some languages are more popular than others on YouTube. If you want to reach as many people as possible, it’s worth considering translating your subtitles into one of the most popular languages on YouTube.
  3. The difficulty of the language: Some languages are more challenging to translate than others. If you’re not confident in accurately translating your subtitles, it’s best to stick with a more straightforward language.

78. Spend time optimizing your video descriptions

Your video descriptions should be long enough to give viewers a good idea of what your video is about, but not so long that they get bored and stop reading. A good rule of thumb is to keep your descriptions between 150 and 300 characters.


Including relevant keywords in your video descriptions can help viewers find your videos more easily. When choosing keywords, consider what terms people might use when searching for videos like yours. Try to include 1-3 keywords per video.


Your video descriptions should also include calls to action (CTAs) that encourage viewers to take the next step, whether subscribing to your channel, visiting your website, or watching another video.

79. Make the best use of meta tags.

Meta tags are text snippets describing a page’s content; the meta tags don’t appear on the page itself but only in the page’s code. Search engines use meta tags to help identify the topic of a webpage.

Why are Meta Tags important:

Meta tags are essential because they help search engines understand what a webpage is about. They also help improve click-through rates by giving users a better idea of what the page is about before they click on it.

How to use Meta Tags:

To ensure search engines optimally index your pages, you need to use meta tags correctly. Here are some tips on how to use meta tags:

– Use relevant keywords in your meta tags so that search engines can quickly identify what your page is about.

– Don’t stuff your meta tags with too many keywords, as this will result in lower quality traffic and could get you penalized by search engines.

– Keep your meta tag descriptions concise and to the point so that users know what to expect when clicking on your link.

80. YouTube Partner Program:

What are its requirements?

You must be at least 18 years old and have an active AdSense account in good standing to join the YouTube Partner Program.

Content ID: You must own or have exclusive rights to commercial use of all the audio and video content uploaded to your channel. If you don’t upload original content, ensure you have obtained all necessary licenses and permissions to use any non-original content you plan to upload.

AdSense: You will need an AdSense account linked to your YouTube channel to receive revenue from monetized videos.

81. Make money from subscribers.

You can make money from YouTube subscribers by charging them a monthly fee to access your content or run ads on your channel. For example, if you have a channel with 1000 subscribers, you could charge $5 per month to access your videos. This would give you an income of $5000 per month. You could also run ads on your channel, giving you additional income.

82. Advertise Your Channel on the YouTube Community tab

  1. Look for the three lines in the top left corner of your channel page
  2. Click on it and scroll down to find “Community.”
  3. If you don’t see “Community,” your channel isn’t eligible for a Community tab yet.

How to post on the Community Tab:

  1. Find a video that you want to share
  2. Click on the Share button below the video player
  3. A pop-up window will appear with several options for sharing your video
  4. Select “YouTube Community” from the list of options
  5. A new window will open where you can write a message to accompany your video post

83. Place a YouTube Subscribe Link in Video Descriptions

  1. Go to your YouTube channel and click on the About tab.
  2. Scroll down to the “Links” section and click on the “Add a custom link” button.
  3. A pop-up window will appear where you can enter the URL of your website or blog and a title for the link.
  4. Once you’re done, click the “Save” button, and your subscribe link will be added to your video descriptions!


  1. Adding a subscribe link to your video descriptions makes it easy for viewers to find and subscribe to your channel without leaving YouTube.
  2. This can help increase your subscriber count over time as more people are exposed to your channel through its videos.
  3. Additionally, having a subscribe link in your video descriptions helps build trust with viewers by showing them that you’re not just trying to sell them something but also interested in providing valuable content that they can enjoy for free.

84. Steps to create videos that you and other people would want to watch:

Before creating videos, you need to understand what your audience wants to watch. You can do this by researching your YouTube channel’s analytics, looking at the most popular videos in your niche, and studying your competition.

It comes down to your planning skills:

Once you know what kind of videos people want to watch, it’s time to start planning your content. This means creating a video schedule and ensuring that your videos are high quality and engaging.

Your execution skills:

After you’ve planned and researched your videos, it’s time to start filming! Make sure you follow through with your plans and not be afraid to experiment with new ideas. Remember, the goal is to create content that people will enjoy watching.

Your optimization skills:

Finally, optimizing it for maximum impact is essential once you’ve created some excellent video content. This means using keywords and tags correctly and promoting your videos on social media and other websites. By taking the time to optimize your videos, you’ll ensure that they reach the broadest possible audience.

85. Capture the viewer’s attention in the first 10 seconds of your video

The first 10 seconds of your video captivate your viewer’s attention. You need a hook that grabs their attention and makes them want to continue watching.


A preview is a short clip that gives the viewer an idea of the video. It should be around 10 seconds long and provide a brief overview of the content.

Catchy title:

Your title needs to be catchy and descriptive so that viewers know what they will watch. It should be around 30-60 characters long.

86. Create YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts are short, vertical videos that are optimized for mobile viewing. They can be up to 60 seconds long and are perfect for quick, snackable content.

How to create YouTube Shorts:

To create a YouTube Short, open the YouTube app on your mobile device and tap on the “Shorts” icon in the bottom navigation bar. From there, you can either record a new video or upload an existing one from your camera roll. Once your video is uploaded, you can add music, filters, and other effects to make it just right. Finally, give your Short a title and share it with the world!

Benefits of YouTube Shorts:

  1. They’re perfect for mobile viewing: Since YouTube Shorts are optimized for mobile devices, they’re ideal for viewers who are on the go or don’t have time to watch longer videos.
  2. They’re quick and easy to consume: With a maximum length of 60 seconds, YouTube Shorts are designed to be quick and easy to watch. This makes them perfect for busy viewers who want to get their fix of video content without commitment.
  3. They’re highly shareable: Thanks to their shorter length, YouTube Shorts are more likely to be shared than longer videos. This means that your content has the potential to reach a wider audience.
  4. You can add music, filters, and other effects: YouTube Shorts allows you to add music, filters, and other products to your videos, which can help make them more engaging and visually appealing.

87. Share your videos in various niche online communities 

There are many online communities related to almost every interest under the sun. A quick Google search will help you find ones related to your niche.

Share your videos:

Once you’ve found a few relevant online communities, start sharing your videos with them. Make sure to engage with other community members and add value to the conversation.

88. Engage with other members:

Take time to comment on other people’s videos and leave thoughtful feedback. This will not only help get your name out there, but it will also create goodwill within the community.

89. Maintain constant consistency

Maintaining consistency is vital for any YouTuber wanting to grow their channel. It helps build trust with your audience, as they know what to expect from you. Consistency also makes it easier for YouTube’s algorithm to promote your videos, as it knows that your content is high-quality and worth recommending to others.

How to:

There are a few things you can do to maintain consistency on your YouTube channel:

  1. Upload regularly: Try to upload at least once a week, and if possible, every day. This will keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.
  2. Stick to a schedule: Let your viewers know when they can expect new videos from you by sticking to a regular upload schedule. For example, this could be every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 6 pm. 3. Have consistent branding: Use the same profile picture, cover photo, and channel art across all of your social media platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), as well as on your website or blog if you have one. This will help people recognize your brand easily, no matter where they see it.

90. Write a compelling and engaging channel description

  1. A brief, attention-grabbing sentence that describes what your channel is all about
  2. The main topics or genres of videos you produce
  3. Any unique selling points or angles that make your channel stand out
  4. A call-to-action telling viewers what you want them to do (e.g., subscribe to your channel)

What not to include:

  1. Keywords or phrases that are not relevant to your content
  2. Clickbait phrases such as “you won’t believe what happens next.”
  3. Spammy words or phrases such as “subscribe now!”
  4. Promotions for other channels or businesses

91. Start “hearting”  your viewer’s comments

  1. Go to any YouTube video and look for the comments section.
  2. Find a comment that is particularly insightful, funny, or otherwise interesting.
  3. Click the “heart” icon next to the comment.

Why it works:

When you hear a comment, it notifies the person who made the comment that you liked it. This is a great way to show appreciation for someone’s thoughts on a video and encourages them to continue commenting in the future. Plus, if other people see that you hear comments, they may be more likely to do the same, creating a more positive environment in YouTube’s comments section overall.

92. End videos with a strong CTA for viewers

A CTA, or call to action, is a statement or question that encourages viewers to take action. CTAs can be used at the end of your videos to promote your viewers to subscribe to your channel, watch another video, or even visit your website.

Types of CTAs:

There are two main types of CTAs: asking your viewers to do something and telling them what to do. Asking questions like “Did you enjoy this video?” or “Want to see more?” are examples of the former, while telling viewers, “Subscribe now!” or “Watch this next” are examples of the latter. Ultimately, it’s up to you which type of CTA you use, but both can effectively get your viewers to take action.

How to end a video with a CTA:

When ending your video with a CTA, it’s essential to keep two things in mind: first, make sure your CTA is relevant to the content of your video; and second, make sure it’s clear what you want your viewer to do. For example, if you’ve just shown your viewers how to make a perfect cup of coffee, your CTA could be like, “Subscribe to our channel for more videos on making the perfect cup of coffee!”. Alternatively, if you’ve just reviewed a new product, your CTA could be “Watch this next: our review of the new iPhone!”. As long as your CTA is relevant and clear, it should effectively get your viewers to take action.

93. Take time to optimize your channel page.

A channel page is vital because it’s the first thing people see when they visit your YouTube channel. It’s your chance to make an excellent first impression and give visitors an idea of your channel.

Optimizing your channel page for new and returning visitors is crucial.

Here are some tips on how to do that:

  1. Use a descriptive title and tagline.
  2. Choose a catchy profile picture and cover image.
  3. Add links to your website or social media accounts.
  4. Use keywords in your description to help people find your channel more efficiently.

94. Put a subscribe link within your channel art.

As we mentioned, people are more likely to subscribe to a channel if they see it’s popular. By including a subscribe link in your channel art, you’re making it easy for viewers to see how many subscribers you have. This subconsciously tells them that your channel is worth subscribing to because many others have already done so.

How to do it:

Including a subscribe link in your channel art is easy! Go into the “Edit Profile” section of your YouTube account and add “Subscribe” as one of your links.

95. Linking to your website in your channel description and video descriptions

  1. Go to your YouTube channel and click on the About tab.
  2. In the “Channel Description” section, add a link to your blog or website.
  3. Include a call-to-action in the description, such as “Check out my blog for more tips on how to get more subscribers on YouTube!”
  4. Save your changes and watch as your subscribers start rolling in!

Why it works:

Adding a link to your blog in your YouTube channel description effectively drives traffic to your site and increases subscribers. By including a call-to-action, you’re giving viewers a specific reason to visit your blog, which can result in more subscriptions.

96. Encourage likes, shares, and comments to please the YouTube algorithm

  1. Helps improve your video ranking on YouTube.
  2. More people are likely to watch your videos if they see that others have liked, shared, or commented on them.
  3. Encouraging engagement from viewers helps create a community around your channel.
  4. It Can lead to more subscribers.

How to do it:

  1. Ask viewers to like, share or comment on your videos in the description box or the video itself.
  2. Use annotations or cards in your videos to remind viewers to like, share or comment on them.
  3. Respond to comments left on your videos – this shows that you are engaging with your audience and encourages others to do the same.
  4. Host a contest or giveaway where the prize is liking, sharing, or commenting on one of your videos.

How many followers do you need to monetize your YouTube videos?

  1. You need at least 1,000 subscribers to monetize your YouTube videos. You can place ads on your videos and earn money from them.
  2. You also need at least 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. This means people have watched your videos for 4,000 hours over the past year.
  3. You can achieve these goals by creating engaging and high-quality content that people will want to watch. You should also promote your channel on social media and other platforms to get more views and subscribers.

How do I become a successful YouTuber?

You need a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your YouTube channel. What kind of content will you be creating? What is your target audience? What are your goals?


Your content needs to be engaging and entertaining. It should be something that people will want to watch and share.


You don’t need expensive equipment to start a successful YouTube channel. A simple webcam or smartphone will suffice. However, you may need to invest in some additional equipment to produce high-quality videos.


Editing is an essential part of creating successful YouTube videos. It can help you improve the quality of your videos and make them more engaging for viewers.


Optimizing your videos for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can help them rank higher in search results and get more views.

How to see your YouTube subscribers

  1. Go to and sign in.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen
  3. Select “Creator Studio.”
  4. In the left-hand menu, select “Community.”
  5. Under “Community,” select “Subscribers.”

Checking subscribers on mobile:

  1. Open the YouTube app and sign in
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the top right corner of the main screen
  3. Select “Creator Studio.”
  4. In the left-hand menu, select “Community.”
  5. Under Community, select “Subscribers.”

Tips to keep subscribers:

Once a YouTube channel has increased its subscriber base, it is essential to work on retaining those subscribers. This can be done by continuing to produce high-quality content that viewers will want to watch, being responsive to comments and questions from viewers, and regularly interacting with the community. Additionally, it is helpful to periodically remind viewers about subscribing, so they don’t forget.

What are some of the ways to make money as a YouTuber?

Adsense is a program that allows YouTubers to place ads on their videos. When a viewer clicks on one of these ads, the YouTuber earns money.

Affiliate marketing:

Affiliate marketing is when a YouTuber promotes a product or service and earns a commission for every sale made through their affiliate link.

Product promotion:

Product promotion is when a YouTuber uses its platform to sell products through direct sales or by partnering with a company.


Sponsorships are when companies pay YouTubers to promote their products or services on their channel.


Building a successful YouTube channel takes time, effort, and dedication. However, by following the tips in this article, you will be well on your way to getting more subscribers and views on your videos. Keep at it, and don’t give up! You can do it!

  1. Use an attention-grabbing thumbnail.
  2. Create engaging and keyword-rich titles.
  3. Use tags.
  4. Optimize your description.
  5. Engage with your audience in the comments section.
  6. Collaborate with other YouTubers.
  7. Promote your channel on other social media platforms.
  8. Use an attention-grabbing headline and thumbnail image.
  9. Optimize your videos for SEO.
  10. Create engaging content that educates, entertains, or both.
  11. Promote your videos on social media and other channels.
  12. Use YouTube ads to reach a wider audience.
  13. Collaborate with other YouTubers to cross-promote your content.

As a YouTuber, one of your main goals is to grow your channel and get more subscribers. But how do you go about doing that?

You can do several things to increase your chances of getting more subscribers on YouTube. This blog post will review some of the most effective methods for getting more subscribers on YouTube.

  1. Use keyword-rich titles: One of the most important things you can do to get more views on your videos is to use keyword-rich titles. When people search for videos on YouTube, they typically use keywords or phrases. If you include these keywords in your video titles, it will be easier for people to find your videos when searching for something specific.
  2. Optimize your thumbnail images: Another critical thing to consider is how your thumbnail images look. When people see a video in their search results, the thumbnail image is one of the first things they see. If your thumbnail image looks unprofessional or doesn’t give viewers a clear idea of the video, they’re less likely to click on it and watch it. Make sure you’re using high-quality images that accurately represent the content in your videos.
  3. Use tags: Tags are another great way to help people find your videos. When you upload a video to YouTube, you can include tags that describe the content of the video. These tags will help YouTube match your video with people searching for similar content.
  4. Create transcripts of your videos: Transcripts can be extremely helpful for people who want to watch your videos but don’t have time to listen to the audio. Transcripts also make it easier for people to find specific information in your videos if they’re looking for something specific. You can create transcripts of your videos using a service like Rev or Temi.
  5. Promote your videos on social media: Social media is a great way to promote your YouTube channel and get more views on your videos. If you have a solid social media following, share links to your latest videos and encourage people to subscribe to your channel.
  6. Collaborate with other YouTubers: Collaborating with other YouTubers is a great way to get exposure for both channels involved. If you collaborate with someone with a similar audience, there’s a good chance that their viewers will also be interested in watching your content.
  7. Host giveaways and contests: Giveaways and contests are a great way to engage people with your channel. Hosting a giveaway or contest is a great way to get people to subscribe to your channel and watch your videos.
  1. Use annotations and end screens: Annotations and end screens are features you can use to promote your channel and encourage people to subscribe. You can add annotations to your videos that link to your channel or other videos on YouTube. End screens are similar to annotations but appear at the end of a video instead of throughout it.
  2. Create compelling content: This one should go without saying, but it’s essential to create content that people will want to watch. If you’re not creating exciting or valuable content, people are less likely to watch it and subscribe to your channel.
  3. Be consistent: One of the most important things you can do to grow your YouTube channel is to be compatible with your uploads. If you only upload videos sporadically, it’s harder for people to find and watch your content. But if you’re consistently uploading new videos regularly, viewers will be likelier to stick around and continue watching.

Frequently Asked Questions about getting YouTube subscribers:

The first step to becoming a successful YouTuber is to create a plan. This means knowing what kind of videos you want to make, your target audience, and what type of message you want to get across. Once you have a plan, stick to it! This will help you stay focused and on track as you grow your channel.

Quality content:

If you want people to subscribe to your channel, you must give them a reason! This means creating high-quality content that is entertaining, informative, or both. Take the time to edit your videos and ensure they are the best they can be before uploading them.


Another critical factor in growing your YouTube channel is engagement. This means interacting with your viewers regularly through comments, social media, and live streams. The more engaged you are with your audience, the more likely they will subscribe and watch your videos regularly.


Finally, don’t forget about marketing! You can’t just sit back and wait for people to find your channel – you need to promote it yourself actively. Share your videos on social media, collaborate with other YouTubers, and do whatever else it takes to get your channel in front of as many people as possible.


There are many tools that you can use for taking screenshots. Some of the most popular ones include:

- Snipping Tool: This built-in tool comes with Windows operating systems. It allows you to take screenshots of your screen and save them as image files.

- Greenshot: This is a free and open-source screenshot tool for Windows. It has many features, such as the ability to annotate screenshots and capture specific regions of your screen.

- ShareX: This free and open source screenshot tool supports multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. It has many features, such as the ability to take screenshots of your screen and record videos of your screen.

Your content is the bread and butter of your YouTube channel. You'll not get many subscribers if you don't have great content. Make sure your videos are engaging, informative, or entertaining. If they're not, people will stop watching them.

Optimize your videos for SEO:

SEO stands for search engine optimization. To get more views on your videos, you must ensure they're optimized for SEO. This means using the right keywords in your title and description so that people can find your videos more easily.

Use social media platforms:

Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are great ways to promote your YouTube channel. When you post links to your latest videos on these platforms, you'll be able to reach a larger audience and get more subscribers as a result.

Promote your videos:

There are several ways you can promote your videos and get more views. You can use YouTube ads, post links to your videos on social media platforms, or even embed them on other websites.


Annotations are tools that you can use to enhance your videos on YouTube.

How to use them: You can use annotations to add links, calls to action, and other interactive elements to your videos.

Types of annotations: There are four types of annotations that you can use on YouTube: note, spotlight, label, and speech bubble.

You need at least 1000 subscribers to your channel before monetizing your videos. This means you’ll need a consistent flow of viewers and content to make money.

Four thousand watch hours: You also need at least 4000 watch time over 12 months. This works out to be around 20 minutes a day.

You can create two playlists on YouTube: a public playlist and a private one. A public playlist is visible to anyone, while a private playlist is only visible to you.

Creating a playlist: Click the Create new playlist button on your YouTube channel homepage to create a new playlist. Then, give your playlist a name and description, and decide whether you want it to be public or private.

Adding videos to a playlist: To add videos to an existing playlist, open the video you want to add and click the Add to button. From the drop-down menu, select the name of the playlist you want to add the video too.

The number of subscribers a YouTube channel has is often seen as a measure of its success. After all, more subscribers generally mean more people are watching your videos. And if more people are watching your videos, that's usually a good thing for your channel.

There are a few reasons why having lots of subscribers can be beneficial:

  1. More subscribers generally mean more views. This is because when someone subscribes to a channel, they're typically notified whenever a new video is uploaded. So, if you have many subscribers, your videos will likely get many views.
  2. More subscribers also mean more potential customers or fans. If someone likes what they see on your channel, they're more likely to subscribe and become a regular viewer. This can be helpful if you're trying to sell products or grow your brand.

3 . More subscribers can also lead to better opportunities down the road. For example, some brands and companies will only work with YouTubers with a certain number of subscribers. So if you're hoping to collaborate with big names in the future, it's worth working on growing your subscriber base now.

You can make money by becoming a YouTube Partner and enabling AdSense ads on your videos. When viewers click on an ad, you earn cash. The amount you earn varies depending on the type of ad and how much traffic your video gets.

Affiliate marketing: You can also make money by promoting products or services in your videos. If you include a link to the product or service in your video description, viewers can click on it and be taken to the merchant’s website. If they make a purchase, you’ll earn a commission.

Product promotion: You can promote your products or services in your videos. For example, if you sell software, you could create a demonstration video showing how to use it. Or, if you sell physical products, you could show them being used in everyday life.

Sponsorships: You can also get paid to feature sponsors in your videos. This is usually done through product placement, where the sponsor’s product is featured prominently in the video. Alternatively, sponsors may pay you to mention their product in the video’s description or verbally during the video itself.

  1. Increased exposure for your channel: If you collaborate with a famous YouTuber, your channel will be exposed to a vast audience. This can lead to a significant increase in subscribers for your channel.
  2. Learn from the best: Collaborating with a successful YouTuber allows you to learn from them and improve your skills as a content creator.
  3. Make new friends: Collaborating with other YouTubers can be a great way to make new friends and expand your network within the YouTube community.

How to find the right YouTuber:

  1. Look at similar channels: Start by looking at channels similar to yours in content and audience. These are the most likely candidates for successful collaborations.
  2. Check out their videos: Once you've found some potential collaborators, take some time to watch their videos and get an idea of their style and approach to YouTube content creation. This will help you determine if they would fit your channel well.

3 . Consider their subscriber count: The number of subscribers a YouTuber has is often indicative of their influence within the YouTube community. If you're looking for a famous YouTuber to collaborate with, it's best to choose someone with a large subscriber base.

  1. Look at their social media presence: In addition to looking at a YouTuber's subscriber count, you should also check out their social media presence. This will give you an idea of how popular they are outside of YouTube and how much influence they have.

How to contact them:

  1. Send them an email: The best way to contact a potential collaborator is by emailing them. Be sure to introduce yourself and explain why collaborating benefits both parties.
  2. Leave a comment on their video: If you're uncomfortable contacting a YouTuber directly, you can always comment on one of their videos expressing your interest in collaborating.

3 . Send them a message on social media: Another option for contacting potential collaborators is by sending them a message on social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram

Embedding a YouTube video on your website or blog is a great way to share interesting and informative content with your visitors. It provides them with an easy way to view the video and allows you to include additional information about the video, such as its title and description.

Benefits of embedding youtube videos:

There are many benefits to embedding YouTube videos on your website or blog. In addition to providing your visitors with an easy way to view the video, embedding also allows you to include additional information about the video, such as its title and description. This can help improve your site's SEO by making it easier for search engines to find and index your content. Additionally, embedding YouTube videos can help increase traffic to your site, as people who view the embedded video may be more likely to visit your site.

How to get more subscribers by embedding youtube videos:

If you're looking for ways to increase your YouTube subscriber count, you may want to try embedding YouTube videos on your website or blog. This can help attract new viewers to your channel as they may be intrigued by the content they see in the embedded video and decide to subscribe. Include a call to action in the video description or annotations asking viewers to subscribe to your channel.

The number of subscribers is a factor that affects the growth of a channel. The more subscribers a channel has, the more likely it is to grow. There are a few things that can affect the number of subscribers a channel has:

The quality of the content: A channel with high-quality content is more likely to attract and retain subscribers.

The frequency of uploads: A channel that uploads videos regularly is more likely to get and keep subscribers than one that doesn't.

The engagement with the audience: A channel that interacts with its audience is more likely to get and keep subscribers than one that doesn't.

How to get more subscribers:

There are a few things you can do to get more subscribers on YouTube:

1) Create high-quality content

2) Upload videos regularly

3) Engage with your audience

The first step is to create social media accounts on the major platforms where you can share your videos, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Then, start following people who might be interested in your content. Once you have a few followers, start sharing your videos on your social media accounts. Make sure to include a link to your channel in your profile so people can easily find it.


Another great way to promote your YouTube channel is by participating in online forums related to your niche. Find forums where potential subscribers might hang out and introduce yourself and your channel. Be active and helpful in the community, and include a link to your channel in your signature.

Blog comments:

Another great way to get more subscribers is by leaving comments on popular blogs related to your niche. When you leave a comment, include a link to your YouTube channel so people can easily find it.

  1. Reach a large audience with minimal effort – You can reach millions of people with your videos without much work.
  2. Cost-effective – Producing videos is inexpensive, especially compared to other marketing methods like television commercials or print ads.
  3. Engage with your audience – Videos allow you to interact and engage with your viewers in a way that is not possible with other forms of marketing. You can answer questions, address concerns, and even solicit feedback through your videos.
  4. Increase brand awareness – A well-executed video marketing campaign can increase brand awareness and recall.
  5. Boost website traffic – By embedding YouTube videos on your website, you can increase the traffic you generate from search engines and social media sites.

Before you start creating your YouTube channel, it's essential to do your research. Figure out what topics are popular and what keywords people are using to find videos. You can use the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool to help you with this.


Once you know what topics are popular, you need to figure out which keywords people use to find videos on those topics. Again, the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool can be helpful here. Once you have a list of keywords, use them in your video titles and descriptions so that people can find your videos more easily.


Finally, take a look at the competition. See what other channels are doing well and try to emulate their success. Of course, don't copy them exactly – be original! – but learn from their example.

It's not hard to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube if you follow the proper methods. In this blog post, we'll show you 100% working methods to get more subscribers on YouTube.

A channel trailer is a short video that introduces your YouTube channel to new viewers. It should give an overview of your channel and explain why someone should subscribe. A good channel trailer will make people want to watch more of your videos.

How to make a channel trailer:

When creating your channel trailer, you need to keep a few things in mind. First, it should be around 30 seconds long. This is just enough time to introduce yourself and your channel without boring viewers. Second, it should be engaging and visually appealing. Use high-quality footage and editing techniques to make your trailer stand out. Finally, include a call-to-action at the end of the video, telling viewers how they can subscribe to your channel.

Your title is the first thing people will see when they come across your video. Make sure it is attention-grabbing and relevant to the content of your video.

The description:

Your description should be concise and give viewers an idea of what your video is about. Include any relevant keywords so that people can easily find your video.

The tags:

Tags help YouTube understand your video and make it easier for people to find it when searching for something specific. Choose tags that are relevant to your video that you think people will be searching for.

The number of subscribers a YouTube channel has is one of the most critical factors in determining its success. A channel with more subscribers is more likely to be successful than a channel with fewer subscribers.

There are a few reasons for this:

1) More subscribers means more people are exposed to your content. This means you have a better chance of reaching your target audience and growing your channel.

2) More subscribers also means that your videos are more likely to be seen by YouTube's algorithm. This algorithm promotes popular videos with viewers, so having more subscribers gives you a better chance of seeing your videos by more people.

3) Finally, having more subscribers gives you social proof. Social proof is the idea that people are more likely to trust and follow something others have already shown interest in. So, if someone sees that a lot of other people have subscribed to your channel, they're more likely to subscribe themselves.

-You must have a YouTube channel with at least 10,000 subscribers.

-Your channel must be in good standing with no strikes or violations.

-You must be able to meet deadlines and produce high-quality content.


-Increased exposure for your YouTube channel.

-The ability to collaborate with other YouTubers and create new content.

-A chance to learn from a successful YouTuber and improve your skills.

How to start:

1)Research which YouTubers you would like to collaborate with and why their audience would be interested in your content. 2)Reach out to the YouTuber through their website or social media platforms and express your interest in collaborating. 3)If the YouTuber is interested, discuss potential ideas for videos or other content that you could create together. 4)Once you have agreed on an idea, work together to plan and produce the content, making sure to meet any deadlines set. 5)After the content has been published, promote it across both of your channels to help increase its reach

There are a lot of people out there who are trying to make it big on YouTube. And, to do that, they're willing to spend money on things like buying YouTube subscribers.

The question is: is this a good idea?

On the one hand, buying subscribers can help you get more views and exposure for your videos. On the other hand, it can also lead to some problems down the road.

Let's look at the pros and cons of buying YouTube subscribers so you can make an informed decision about whether or not it's right for you.

Pros of Buying YouTube Subscribers:

  1. More Views and Exposure for Your Videos

If you buy YouTube subscribers, your videos will automatically get more views. This is because when people see that you have a lot of subscribers, they'll be more likely to watch your videos. Additionally, when your videos get more views, they'll be more likely to appear in YouTube's search results and recommended videos sections. So, buying subscribers can help increase the visibility of your videos which could lead to even more views and exposure over time.

  1. Boost Your Social Proof When you have a lot of YouTube subscribers, it creates what's called social proof. This means that people will perceive you as more popular and credible. And as a result, they'll be more likely to watch your videos and subscribe to your channel. So, buying subscribers can boost you if you're looking to build up your YouTube presence.

Cons of Buying YouTube Subscribers:

  1. You Might Get Banned from YouTube If YouTube finds out that you're buying subscribers, they could ban your account. This is because it goes against their terms of service. So, if you're thinking about buying subscribers, you need to be aware of the risks involved.
  2. People Will Know You Bought Them Even if you don't get banned from YouTube, and people will still be able to tell that you bought your subscribers. This is because most people who buy subscribers can only get a few hundred at a time. But, if you have tens of thousands of subscribers, it's pretty evident that you didn't earn them all organically. As a result, people might not take your channel seriously and may not bother watching your videos or subscribing to your channel.
  3. It's Not Worth the Money In most cases, and it's not worth buying YouTube subscribers. This is because you can grow your channel organically without spending any money. Sure, it might take a bit longer, but it'll be worth it in the long run. Additionally, there's always the risk that you could get banned from YouTube if they find out you're buying subscribers. So, unless you're willing to take that risk, we wouldn't recommend buying YouTube subscribers.

How to Buy YouTube Subscribers:

If you've decided that buying YouTube subscribers is right for you, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, only buy from reputable sources. There are a lot of scammers out there who will sell you fake or inactive accounts. Second, ensure that the accounts you're buying are high-quality and active. There's no point in paying for subscribers who aren't going to watch your videos or interact with your channel. Finally, don't go overboard and buy too many subscribers at once. If you do this, it will be very obvious to everyone that you've bought them, and it could get your account banned by YouTube

Subscribers are essential because they provide a way to keep in touch with your viewers. They also help promote your channel to their friends and followers, which can help you grow your audience.

How to get subscribers:

There are a few ways to get subscribers on YouTube. The most common is through promotion, either through paid ads or by working with influencers who will promote your channel to their followers. You can also grow your subscriber base organically by creating great content people want to watch and share.

Advantages of having subscribers:

There are many advantages of having subscribers on YouTube. First, it allows you to build relationships with your viewers and keep them updated on new videos and announcements. Second, it helps you promote your channel and reach new viewers who might not have found you otherwise. Finally, it can lead to more revenue as your subscriber base grows.

You can do a few things to increase the number of subscribers you have on YouTube. First, make sure that your videos are high quality and attractive. People are more likely to subscribe to a channel that offers content they enjoy watching.

Another great way to increase your subscriber count is by promoting your channel on other social media platforms. People who know about your channel are likelier to check it out and subscribe. You can also run YouTube or Google AdWords ads to promote your channel to a broader audience.

The number of subscribers a YouTube channel has is significant. Not only does it give you bragging rights, but it also means that your channel is being seen and appreciated by more people. This can lead to more opportunities, such as sponsorships and partnerships.

There are plenty of titles that could get you more subscribers on youtube, but the secret is to know what works best for your channel.
If you have a gaming channel, then it might be good to have a title that will be attractive to gamers.

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